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Minutes from the 2023 SAM published below

Minutes of the 85th Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation held at 7.30 pm on Monday 20th  March 2023 in the church hall. 

Chairman: Rev Ben Thorp Clerk: Mr Harry Laird

  1. Praise, prayer and Scripture reading: 

The meeting was opened by singing ‘Be still for the presence of the Lord’, a reading from Acts chapter 1, some comments and prayer.

  1. Present: 

Rev Ben Thorp (Chairman), Mr Harry Laird (Clerk), Mr Gordon Penman (Acting Treasurer), Professor Noel Peacock (Session Clerk) and some 30 members and friends of the congregation.

3 Apologies: 

Mrs Anne Billington, MrsMary Bonham, Miss Mary Forbes,Mrs Florence Grant, Mr Michael Grant,Mrs Avril Laird, Mrs Heather Mair,Mrs Rosemary Nash, Mrs Dorothy Parker, Mr Dave Rickards and Mrs Pamela Smith


  1. Minutes of the 84th Stated Annual Meeting: 

The minutes of the meeting of 21st March 2022 had been on display in the church for a  week before the meeting, in the hall from 7 pm and posted on the church website. They were taken as read and adopted on the motion of Mr Peter Billington, seconded by Mr Peter Scollan.

  1. Acting Treasurer’s report:  

The Acting Treasurer, Mr Gordon Penman, spoke of his privilege in presenting a summary of the independently examined accounts for the year ended December 31, 2022. An extract of the most pertinent figures had been distributed before the start of the meeting. The full accounts are available to view on the church’s website, but a limited number of paper copies are available for study. He emphasised the following points:

* the full accounts represent the recorded financial activity of the church

* the accounts have been independently, professionally examined and were approved by the Congregational Board at its meeting on 13th March 2023

* thanks are due to the new members of the Finance Committee for their contributions already, possibly bringing new ways of thinking to the work

* the Designated Fabric Fund supports unusual fabric activity and has a healthy balance

* the Student Outreach Worker Fund has a good balance

* the General Fund, used for most of the work, has declined sharply over the year past from £69,135 to £31,771. This is of considerable concern. Outlays are outstripping income and this is not sustainable at such a level.  

* the Missionary Fund contributions have increased but there was still a need to support it from the General Fund so that the beneficiaries can get the same level of support, taking into account inflation

* we have met all our obligations

* there was an excellent response to the Christmas Offering

All must consider their attitude to money, relative to God, reflecting what we spend on. Giving is not solely the preserve of those who are wealthy. Scripture teaches that God is able to multiply contributions that appear to be small.    

Turning to the budget for 2023, Mr Penman mentioned that:

* the church budget is not like a domestic budget and contains many unknowns, particularly with regard to income. It always has a pessimistic basis, although the outturn is usually much more satisfactory. There is no way of predicting one-off donations, but they always materialise.

* we would wish to continue to specify the work that we are called to and then seek funding. It would be very regrettable if we cut back on things like hospitality, which is part of the evangelism.

Mrs Sandra Peacock proposed a vote of thanks to the Acting Treasurer and this was endorsed by a hearty round of applause.

6 Congregational Board Members:

The Clerk intimated that the following Congregational Board retire after three years’ service but are willing to continue to serve for another three year term:

Mrs Anne Billington, Mrs Mary Bonham, Mrs Christine Crow, Mrs Sheena Gray, Miss Sylvia Innes, Mrs Sandra Peacock and Dr Ellen Penman.

They were re-elected on the motion of Miss Fran Downs, seconded by Mr Peter Billington.

Ms Kerri Bates and Miss Mary Forbes have decided not to seek re-election. The Clerk will write to express appreciation of their service to the Board over the years.

At the meeting of the Congregational Board on 13th March, Dr Marian Morrison and Dr Tim Peacock had been suggested as candidates to fill the two vacancies. No further nominations were received. Dr Morrison was elected on the motion of Miss Laura Buist, seconded by Ms Liz Taylor. Dr Peacock was elected on the motion of Mr Alex Glen, seconded by Dr Ellen Penman.

7 Session Clerk’s report:

Professor Noel Peacock, Session Clerk, spoke of the work over the past year, citing 1 Samuel 7(12) – ‘Hitherto has the Lord has helped us’

There are several reasons to celebrate God’s goodness:


There has been an increase from 167 to 179. 11 joined by profession of faith, two by resolution of the Kirk Session and one by transfer from another fellowship. Regrettably, Mrs Jeanette McIntyre and Mrs Helen Wilson had died. We should pray that more will join the congregation.


The Minister has continued with the systematic preaching of the Word of God. The services have had the capable support of the Praise Band, AV team and Welcome teams


There is an average attendance of over 50 at the main prayer meeting. Over 30 meet in the hall and around 20 on Zoom. Thanks are due to Professor Patrick Smith. There are weekly prayer walks for our parish and a prayer support facility after morning services.


Student activities (Friday night café (increased attendances), Sunday lunches, Bible studies), Drop-in (note donations from Sainsburys), Beta Group, publicity material, church website, the Mindfulness initiative on Thursday lunchtimes, ART 4U, bi-monthly street stalls, carol singing round the parish, the summer café and informal friendship evangelism (which can take several years to bear fruit).

Wider influence: 

Heather Thorp has been appointed Co-ordinator for church planting

Glasgow Presbytery: The Minister and Garry Osbourne are Interim Moderators. Alex Glen is a member of Presbytery.

David McAdam’s work with ex-offenders, with voluntary support from Kate Black.

Members involved with Friends International, Scripture Union and the Well etc.

The Christmas Offering in aid of work in the Ukraine and Glasgow City Mission

Challenges and opportunities:

Church cluster

More children in the Sunday School

Finance and property

Missionaries – Sarah Melbourne, Abel, Jo Crotty, Elaine Duncan, Caroline White, Andrew and Maria Hyde and Kathleen Burns. The students whom we send out/home to be witnesses after their time with us.

Pastoral work: An ageing membership and greater pastoral needs

Workers –  Your church needs YOU!

The Chairman expressed his thanks for the work of the Session Clerk and there was a spontaneous round of applause.

8 Glasgow Presbytery Mission Plan

The Chairman gave a further update on progress on the Presbytery Mission Plan. The Plan that was agreed last year had been returned from central Kirk authorities for clarification on a few matters like dates for buildings changes, the pioneering hub and a plan for the next 12 months. This had been attended to, but a last-minute change sought by one of the churches in our cluster has caused much concern. The changes, if accepted, could have consequences for all the churches in the cluster, including Sandyford.  It is hoped that this will be resolved in the next few weeks. 

It was noted that clusters are not a legal entity. The mission plan is for a five-year period.

A session of questions and answers ensued.

Assurances of prayer support were given to Dr Garry Osbourne who will attend an important meeting on 25th March to discuss cluster progress. 

9 Closure of meeting:

The meeting was closed by singing ‘Great is Thy faithfulness’ and saying the Grace together.

Chairman Clerk